Behavioral Problems in Children: Worsening Trends - Time to Awaken


Dr Ketan G Bharadva, Surat    16 January 2018

  1. A study from 7 states reveals that 17.7% youth, peaking at 16 to 19 years, show heightened aggressiveness which Juvenile crime rates in India have increased from 0.6% of total crimes in 1996 to 5%, with increasing trend amongst and against girls as well. Bullying affects 20% to 53% school going children. India has the highest suicide rates in youth.
  2. Social media, including digital and print, both play a very important role in escalating behavioral problems in children. Changing social fabric with increasing unitary families with both parents working and stressed out, increasing marital discordance, excess indulgence in social media, parental detachment (more so maternal), parental substance abuse are fast emerging risk factors for emotional behavioral problems in children.
  3. The rates of diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have increased eight fold and attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have doubled from 1987 to 2002, and have become commoner than Down syndrome. There is a big dearth of trained professionals to deal with all these problems. Who will manage them? Quackery is rampant here too!!! There is urgent need of mass life skill training, parenting training, social skills training, awareness amongst doctors and starting courses to educate professionals.

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